2024 MSAH Affiliate Processor List
MSAH has been getting a good amount of supporters wondering, why there isn't a Processor List on our website?
The MSAH organization, is restructuring at this time since we no longer are a contractor working with the MDNR administering their wild game donation program.
this means we are going back to our roots and no longer working with the MDNR as we had since 2005.
We are obtaining funding resources and in the near future only working with specific processors to continue with our mission and focus held since 1991, and will not post a participating processor list until we can confirm a few plans with those specific processors.
Starting 10/01/2024 the MDNR assumed all responsibilities and have information about what regulated program, what processors will be available and what they will be implementing very soon until the new contractor is ready, so if you are looking for a processor list, it might be best at this time to contact the MDNR about their program.
For any additional information in what you are asking, please contact;
Tom Weston Marketing and Outreach Manager MDNR.
Joseph Presgrove Public Outreach Analyst, MDNR.
Or go to the MDNR website at